Tozzi A, Peters JF. 2016. A Topological Approach Unveils System Invariances and Broken Symmetries in the Brain. Journal of Neuroscience Research 94 (5): 351–65. doi:10.1002/jnr.23720. Hidden symmetries (and symmetry breaks) in the brain: entering the Borsuk-Ulam theorem in the study of nervous issues.
Tozzi A, Peters JF. 2016. Towards a Fourth Spatial Dimension of Brain Activity. Cognitive Neurodynamics 10 (3): 189–199. doi:10.1007/s11571-016-9379-z. The fourth dimension of the brain activity: the first clue towards the occurrence of a hypersphere in the brain.
Peters JF, Ramanna S, Tozzi A, İnan E. 2017. Bold-Independent Computational Entropy Assesses Functional Donut-Like Structures in Brain fMRI Images. Front Hum Neurosci. 2017 Feb 1;11:38. doi: 10.3389/fnhum.2017.00038. eCollection 2017. Further proofs of further nervous dimensions. Introducing 4D maximal nucleus cluster from algebraic topology of digital images.
Tozzi A, Peters JF. 2017. From abstract topology to real thermodynamic brain activity. Cognitive Neurodynamics, 11(3) 283–292. Doi:10.1007/s11571-017-9431-7. Neural thermodynamics, entropies, information: a topological account via the Borsuk-Ulam Theorem.
Peters JF, Tozzi A, Ramanna S, Inan E. 2017. The human brain from above: an increase in complexity from environmental stimuli to abstractions. Cognitive Neurodynamics,11(4), 391–394. DOI: 10.1007/s11571-017-9428-2. The brain increases the complexity of sensations: the cat you are watching is three-dimensional in the environment, multi-dimensional in your mind.
Tozzi A, Peters JF, Fingelkurts AA, Fingelkurts AA, Marijuán PC. 2017. Topodynamics of metastable brains. Physics of Life Reviews, 21, 1-20. Topodynamics of metastable brains: a survey of the applications of the Borsuk-Ulam theorem to nervous nonlinear paths.
Tozzi A, Peters JF, Fingelkurts AA, Fingelkurts AA, Marijuán PC. 2017. Brain projective reality: novel clothes for the emperor. Reply to comments on “Topodynamics of metastable brains”by Tozzi et al. Physics of Life Reviews, 21, 46-55. Projectionism & brain manifolds: the philosophy beyond our approach.
Tozzi A, Peters JF. 2018. Multidimensional brain activity dictated by winner-take-all mechanisms. Neuroscience Letters, 678 (21):83-89. Evolutional architecture of multidimensional sensations.
Tozzi A, Peters JF, Cankaya MN. 2018. The informational entropy endowed in cortical oscillations. Cognitive Neurodynamics, 12(5), 501-507. DOI: 10.1007/s11571-018-9491-3. When a two-dimensional shadow encompasses more information that the corresponding three-dimensional object.
Tozzi A. 2015. Neural code & power laws. SCTPLS Newsletter, April 7-10. Weird nervous relationships between Renyi information entropies and power laws.
Tozzi A. 2019. The multidimensional brain. Physics of Life Reviews, 31: 86-103. doi: The brain activity takes place in higher dimensions: not just a figure of speech!
Tozzi A, Ahmad MZ, Peters JF. 2021. Neural computing in four spatial dimensions. Cognitive Neurodynamics, 15:349-357. How to build a 4D computer, ALIAS how to simulate a multidimensional brain, through the Quantum Hall effect.
Tozzi A, Peters JF, Jausovec N, Don APH, Ramanna S, Legchenkova I, Bormashenko E. 2021. Nervous Activity of the Brain in Five Dimensions. Biophysica; 1(1):38-47. How to build a 4D computer, ALIAS how to simulate a multidimensional brain, through quaternionic networks.
Don APH, Peters JF, Ramanna S, Tozzi A. 2021. Quaternionic views of rs-fMRI hierarchical brain activation regions. Discovery of multilevel brain activation region intensities in rs-fMRI video frames. Chaos, Solitons & Fractals. Vol 152, 111351. Further insights in the dynamics of the four-dimensional brain.
Tozzi A. 2015. Information Processing in the CNS: A Supramolecular Chemistry? Cognitive Neurodynamics 9 (5): 463–477. Supramolecular phrenology: not just spikes!
Sengupta B, Tozzi A, Coray GK, Douglas PK, Friston KJ. 2016. Towards a Neuronal Gauge Theory. PLOS Biology 14 (3): e1002400. doi:10.1371/journal.pbio.1002400. The brain from above: a gauge theory of nervous activity. Feat. Karl Friston and Biswa Sengupta.
Tozzi A, Sengupta B, Peters JF, Friston KJ. 2017. Gauge Fields in the Central Nervous System.193-212. In: The Physics of the Mind and Brain Disorders: Integrated Neural Circuits Supporting the Emergence of Mind, edited by Opris J and Casanova MF. New York, Springer; Series in Cognitive and Neural Systems.Pages 193-212. ISBN: 978-3-319-29674-6. DOI 10.1007/978-3-319-29674-6_9. Neural Gauge theory: novel insights in a book chapter (Springer).
Tozzi A, Peters JF. 2016. A Topological Approach Unveils System Invariances and Broken Symmetries in the Brain. Journal of Neuroscience Research 94 (5): 351–65. doi:10.1002/jnr.23720. Hidden symmetries (and symmetry breaks) in the brain: entering the Borsuk-Ulam theorem in the study of nervous issues.
Peters JF, Tozzi A. Ramanna S. 2016. Brain Tissue Tessellation Shows Absence of Canonical Microcircuits. Neuroscience Letters 626: 99–105. doi:10.1016/j.neulet.2016.03.052. Voronoi tessellations in histological brain tissues: every neuron is different from another.
Tozzi A, Fla Tor, Peters JF. 2016. Building a minimum frustration framework for brain functions in long timescales. J Neurosci Res. 94(8): 702–716. Minimum frustration principle and nervous networks: when evolution dictates our thoughts.
Tozzi A, Peters JF, Ori O. 2017. Fullerenic-topological tools for honeycomb nanomechanics. Towards a fullerenic approach to brain functions. Fullerenes, Nanotubes and Carbon nanostructures.25 (4): 282-288. How and why the microcolumn resembles a fullerenic structure and gives rise to a barcode.
Tozzi A, Peters JF, Ori O. 2017. Cracking the barcode of fullerene-like cortical microcolumns. Neurosci Letters, 644, 100–106. Why and how the microcolumn resembles a fullerenic structure and gives rise to a barcode.
Tozzi A, Peters JF. 2017. From abstract topology to real thermodynamic brain activity. Cognitive Neurodynamics, 11(3) 283–292. Doi:10.1007/s11571-017-9431-7. Neural thermodynamics, entropies, information: a topological account.
Tozzi A, Peters JF, Jausovec N. 2016. A repetitive modular oscillation underlies human brain electric activity. Neurosci Lett, 653, 234-238. 10.1016/j.neulet.2017.05.051. The unexpected occurrence of J-functions & complex functions in the brain.
Tozzi A, Peters JF, Fingelkurts AA, Fingelkurts AA, Marijuán PC. 2017. Topodynamics of metastable brains. Physics of Life Reviews, 21, 1-20. Topodynamics of metastable brains: a survey of the applications of the Borsuk-Ulam theorem to nervous nonlinear paths. Featuring Fingelkurts’ Operational architectonics.
Deli E. Tozzi A, Peters JF. 2017. Relationships between short and fast brain timescales. Cognitive Neurodynamics, 11(6), 539-552. DOI: 10.1007/s11571-017-9450-4. The Bloch theorem correlates high- and low- brain frequencies.
Peters JF, Tozzi A, Deli E. 2017. Towards Equations for Brain Dynamics and the Concept of Extended Connectome. SF J Neuro Sci 1:1. Sprott’s equations in the brain: a single equation describes linear and nonlinear nervous dynamics.
Tozzi A. 2015. How to Turn an Oscillation in a Pink One. Journal of Theoretical Biology 377, 117–18. doi:10.1016/j.jtbi.2015.04.018. Transcranial stimulation, fMRI
Tozzi A, Peters JF, Deli E. 2018. Towards plasma-like collisionless trajectories in the brain. Neurosci Lett.662:105-109. Plasma-like collisionless nervous trajectories: long-range correlations in the brain.
Tozzi A, Peters JF, Jaušovec N. 2018. EEG dynamics on hyperbolic manifolds. Neurosci Lett, 683: 138-143. Mirzakhani’s hyperbolic spaces are also in the brain.
Tozzi A, Peters JF. 2019. The common features of different brain activities. Neurosci Lett, 692 (23): 41-46. The duality of the brain functions: towards a single nervous activity encompassing all the mental faculties.
Don AP, Peters JF, Ramanna S, Tozzi A. 2020. Topological View of Flows inside the BOLD Spontaneous Activity of the Human Brain. Front. Comput. Neurosci. DOI: 10.3389/fncom.2020.00034. The occurrence of Betti numbers in neurodata.
Tozzi A, Bormashenko E, Jausovec N. 2021. Topology of EEG wave fronts. Cognit Neurodyn, 15, 887–896 The hairy ball theorem and the electric wave fronts in the brain.
Tozzi A, Yurkin A, Peters JF. 2021. A Geometric Milieu Inside the Brain. Found Sci. The inhibitory cavities of the brain in the geometric terms of Pascal’s triangles.
Tozzi A. 2022. Bipolar reasoning in feedback pathways. Biosystems. Volumes 215–216, June 2022, 104652. globular sets in neuroscience to tackle antidromic currents.
Tozzi, A. To Know them, Remove their Information: An Outer Methodological Approach to Biophysics and Humanities. Philosophia (2022). extracellular flows in the brain.
Tozzi A, Mariniello L. 2022. Unusual Mathematical Approaches Untangle Nervous Dynamics. Biomedicines; 10(10):2581. Knots & braids in your brain. Are There Elliptic Curves in the Brain? liquid crystal phases and embryonic development of the nervous system. Lurie’s non-abelian cohomology.
Zhang, Y., Guo, S., Sun, M., Mariniello, L., Tozzi, A., & Zhao, X. (2022). Front Waves of Chemical Reactions and Travelling Waves of Neural Activity. Journal of NeuroPhilosophy, 1(2). A link between travelling waves of neural activity and front waves in chemical reactions.
Tozzi A. 2022. Ramsey’s Theory Meets the Human Brain Connectome. Neural Process Lett. Ramsey theorem: regularities & repeated patterns inside structures equipped with nodes and edges.
Tozzi A. 2024. Approaching Electroencephalographic Pathological Spikes in Terms of Solitons. Signals, 5, 281-295. The astonishing traveling solitary waves that do not waste energy could be present in EEG traces of epileptic patients.
Tozzi A. 2024. When Math Meets Neuroscience: Relationships Between Elliptic Curves and Scalp EEG Wave Fronts. viXra:2404.0026. Hidden mathematical entities in the brain activity.
Tozzi A, Zare M, Benasich AA. 2016. New Perspectives on Spontaneous Brain Activity: Dynamic Networks and Energy Matter. Front Hum Neurosci. 10:247. doi: 10.3389/fnhum.2016.00247. The spontaneous activity of the brain displays lower information entropy than task-related activities.
Tozzi A, Peters JF. 2019. Topology of Human Perception. Preprints, 2019030235. Gibson 4.0: the topological horizons of the ecological theory of vision.
Peters JF, Tozzi A, Ramanna S, Inan E. 2017. The human brain from above: an increase in complexity from environmental stimuli to abstractions. Cognitive Neurodynamics,11(4), 391–394. DOI: 10.1007/s11571-017-9428-2. The brain increases the complexity of sensations: the cat you are watching is three-dimensional in the environment, multi-dimensional in your mind.
Tozzi A, Mariniello L. 2022. Unusual Mathematical Approaches Untangle Nervous Dynamics. Biomedicines; 10(10):2581. Monge’s theorem (MT) for the evaluation of depth perception.
Tozzi A, Peters JF. 2017. A Symmetric Approach Elucidates Multisensory Information Integration. Information 8,1. doi: 10.3390/info8010004. Multisensory integration & Borsuk-Ulam theorem: a Machian melting of visual and auditory cues.
Tozzi A, Peters JF. 2017. Towards Topological Mechanisms Underlying Experience Acquisition and Transmission in the Human Brain. Integr Psychol Behav Sci. 51(2), 303–323. doi: 10.1007/s12124-017-9380-z. A topologically framed multidimensional theory of knowledge. Starring: Richard Avenarius, Ernst Mach and their phenomenal account of the brain activity.
Tozzi A. 2018. Einstein and the physics of the mind: Comment on “Physics of mind: experimental confirmations of theoretical predictions” by Felix Schoeller et al.Phys Life Rev, Einstein’s special relativity and thoughts: why an imagined object is squeezed in jour mind.
Tozzi A. 2023. Laws of taxation for multicellular organisms: The economics of sleep. Biosystems. How to use the economic laws of monopolistic taxation to tackle biological phenomena like sleep.
Tozzi A, Peters JF. 2019. Points and lines inside our brains. Cognitive Neurodynamics, 13(5): 417–428. DOI: 10.1007/s11571-019-09539-8. The mental concepts of lines, point an infinity are not real. Decision limit problem and human knowledge, models in mind.
Tozzi A, Peters JF, Fingelkurts A, Fingelkurts A, Perlovsky L. 2018. Syntax meets semantics during brain logical computations. ProgrBiophys Mol Biol, 140: 133-141. A neuroscientific account of lower-dimensional syntax and higher-dimensional semantics says that the Wittgenstein’s Tractatus was right.
Tozzi A. 2023. Mental Recognition of Objects via Ramsey Sentences - How does the Human Brain Recognize Dog? J NeuroPhilos, 2(2). DOI: Applications for Ramsey sentences.
Tozzi A, Peters JF. 2023. Towards a single parameter for the assessment of EEG oscillations. Cogn Neurodyn. The Green’s theorem for flows describes some EEG features of intelligence.