A SUMMARY OF MY IDEAS & two short movies
My teachers used to tell me: “Tozzi, be on focus”. But I never liked “to be on focus”: I like a lot to play with hidden, unexpected multidisciplinary relationships. Despite my harsh criticism to current attitudes toward scientific issues, I never take a full sceptic turn: I engage in “pragmaticistic” active outreach, showing how fresh interpretation of everlasting questions sheds new light on countless scientific issues. Here I try to provide scientific… questions to classical answers through the unusual format of the Quodlibets. The Medieval quodlibetal (quodlibet= any whatever) questions consisted in raising issues or objections about anything from basic Christian issues to heretic controversies. Open to a broader public - masters, students from different schools, ecclesiastical and civil authorities - these questions could be posed by any member of the audience without any prior notice. While Medieval philosophers favoured a methodology consisting of the Aristotelian deductive logic, I will use a twofold approach to my quodlibetal questions: 1) the Galilean inductive method distinctive of the current scientific attitude; 2) a metatheoretic starting point that I term “testable rationalism”: sharp experimental previsions arising from top-down, deductive mathematical/topological approaches. In this paper, going through physical, biological, neuroscientific and philosophical issues, I do hope that the reader will forgive me.
N.B: a long list of keywords can be found in the footnotes.
…and, of course, thanks to my friend James Peters and his enthusiasm. PDF
Novel methodological approaches to assess topological mappings and projections between biophysical phase spaces have been recently introduced in neuroscience. In this brief survey of our published manuscripts, we discuss how the “unreasonable power” of algebraic topology permits an experimentally testable top-down inquiry of the brain activity. PDF
A comment on my paper by NEUROSKEPTIC: The Four dimensional brain?
Topology: Borsuk-Ulam theorem and its variants
Our mind is multidimensional